Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Deference and Domination

A favourite trick of policiticians is to manipulate their people using the ideas of "respect" , and deference. These are the very same people who call in the police, shoot protestors, jail them, have internal security laws allowing imprisonment without trial. They are also the same people who are corrupt, and do deals with big business, foreign investors, and generally sell-out their people. They are also the same people who treat their legislatures with contempt. Either the legislatures are complete capitives of the "One Party"; minor parties are treated with utter contempt, manipulated, bullied, ignored; or a two-three-party system is conducted with utter rudeness and bad-manners.

This total lack of real respect leaves their people, at best with legislatures as "talking-shops" to allow steam to be let-off, with inadequate representation of women, regions, religions, ethnic minorities, or different strata and interest groups. The real decision-making stays within the hands of a small group of men (and, very rarely, the odd: woman). Youth are totally excluded.

What these rude and bullying policitians do, is use customary ideas about respect, good manners, deference, to dominate, to protect their position of domination to further the interests of themselves, make themselves rich, and protect big-business interests.


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